Monday, October 31, 2011

Reboot 2, Day 1

Ok... so apparently Brian and I have gotten lazy when it comes to update videos.  We're sorry for that, but I promise I'll have something for you next week!  Especially now that we're undertaking a 2nd Reboot!  That's right!  This will only be 30 days this time.  I will, as before, try to update daily on the progress.

After the Q&A with Joe Cross, Brian and I have learned some more fascinating details about juicing and where we might not have really gotten all we could've out of ours.  The occasional cheats, it seems, breaks the fast and reintroduces hunger as well as your body's process of storing fat.  So absolutely no cheats this time.  Even if that means going some time without juice or food at all.  Now that we both have juicers there should be no excuses.

For all those out there, both of you, thanks for the encouragement and if you are rebooting as well... Congrats!  I support you in spirit and offer my chronicle here of experience as a helpful guide in whatever form it can.  Juice on!

Original Weight: August 10, 2011 - 305lbs

Reboot 2 Starting Weight, Day-1: 255lbs

Edit:  It is now the end of Day 1 and it wasn't too bad today.  Got home and went to bed for a few hours to help stave off the hunger pains... but feeling decent overall.  I expect tomorrow/(day after) to be a little tougher as my body starts to yearn for dietary fiber and the usual energy sustenance.  But looking forward to Day 4+ when that goes away and the peaceful feelings begin.

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